\n \n
\n \n
\n \n \n \n
\n \n
\n \n \n \n
\n \n
\n \n
\n \n `; \n*/ \n return output;\n\n};\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n","import {checkIfItIsEmpty} from\n \"./../../../../functions/checks/checkIfItIsEmpty.js\"; \n\n\n/**** \n\n THIS FUNCTION RECEIVES AN OBJECT WHICH CONTAINS THE VALUES AND LABEL OF A SELECT ELEMENT\n \n IT LOOPS THROUGH THE OBJECT AND CREATES THE SELECT OPTIONS FROM IT\n \n EXAMPLE OF WHAT THE OBJECT SHOULD LOOK LIKE\n\n attributes: {} CAN BE USED TO PASS ATTRIBUTES SUCH AS classes and data- ATTRIBUTS TO \n EITHER THE optgroups OR INDIVIDUAL options\n\n CLASSES SHOW BE IN AN ARRAY\n \n let optionObj = [\n \n { \n \n optgroup_label: \"Continents\", \n attributes: {}\n optgroup_options: [\n {\n value: \"africa\", \n label: \"Africa\",\n attributes: {},\n\n },\n {\n value: \"asia\", \n label: \"Asia\"\n\n },\n {\n value: \"australia\", \n label: \"Australia\"\n attributes: {}\n\n },\n ]\n \n \n },\n \n { \n \n optgroup_label: \"My preference\", \n attributes: {},\n optgroup_options: [\n {value: \"all\", label: \"All\"},\n {\n value: \"my_region\", \n label: \"My region\",\n attributes: {}\n\n },\n {\n value: \"most_popular\", \n label: \"Most popular\",\n attributes: {}\n },\n ]\n \n \n }\n \n ];\n\n\n****/\n\n\n\nexport function createSelectOptions(optionObject){\n\n let optgroup_label = \"\";\n \n let optgroup_options = \"\";\n\n let optgroup_attributes = \"\";\n \n let options = \"\";\n \n let option_value = \"\";\n \n let option_label = \"\";\n \n let full_options = \"\";\n\n let option_attributes = \"\";\n\n for(let key in optionObject){\n \n /**** \n \n EMPTY THE OPTIONS ie PREVIOUS OPTIONS\n \n ****/\n \n options = \"\";\n\n optgroup_label = optionObject[key][\"optgroup_label\"];\n \n optgroup_options = optionObject[key][\"optgroup_options\"];\n\n optgroup_attributes = optionObject[key][\"attributes\"];\n\n if( this.isEmpty(optgroup_attributes) ){\n\n optgroup_attributes = {};\n\n }; \n \n for(let key in optgroup_options){\n \n option_value = optgroup_options[key][\"value\"];\n \n option_label = optgroup_options[key][\"label\"];\n\n option_attributes = optgroup_options[key][\"attributes\"];\n \n if( this.isEmpty(option_attributes) ){\n\n option_attributes = {};\n\n };\n\n option_attributes[\"value\"] = option_value;\n\n options +=`\n \n \n `;\n \n };\n \n /**** \n \n ADD THE OPTIONS TO THE full_options IF NO OPTION GROUP LABEL IS PROVIDED\n \n ****/\n \n if( checkIfItIsEmpty(optgroup_label) ){\n \n full_options += options;\n \n continue;\n \n };\n\n /**** \n \n AN OPTION GROUP LABEL IS PROVIDED\n SO ADD THE OPTION GROUP TAG BEFORE ADDING THE OPTIONS TO THE full_options\n \n ****/\n\n optgroup_attributes[\"label\"] = optgroup_label;\n \n full_options += `\n \n \n \n ${options}\n \n \n \n `;\n\n };\n\n\n return full_options;\n\n};\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n","\nexport function getInputTypeSelect(selectOptionsObj){\n\n let selectInput = this.createSelectOptions(selectOptionsObj);\n \n const errorHolder = this.getErrorHolder();\n\n this.formInputAttributes[\"type\"] = \"\";\n this.formInputAttributes[\"data-smetio-error-holder-class\"] = this.errorHolderClass;\n\n selectInput = `\n \n `;\n\n const inputWithParentDiv = this.getParentDiv(selectInput);\n \n const iconAndInput = `\n \n ${ this.getIcon() }\n \n ${ inputWithParentDiv } \n \n `; \n\n \n const setUpObj = {\n mainClass: \"smetio-icon-left-form-input-right\",\n extraClass: this.extra_class,\n attributesObj: this.iconAndInputDivAttributes,\n containerDivClass: \"smetio-theIconAndInputDiv\",\n errorHolder: errorHolder\n }\n \n const output = this.getForm(iconAndInput, setUpObj)+errorHolder;\n \n return output;\n\n};\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n","\nexport function getIcon(){\n\n const output = `\n\n
\n \n \n \n
\n \n `;\n \n return output;\n\n};\n","import {checkIfItIsEmpty} from\n \"./../../../../functions/checks/checkIfItIsEmpty.js\"; \n \nexport function getInputTypeText(){\n\n /*\n if( checkIfItIsEmpty(this.input_type) ){\n \n this.input_type = \"text\";\n \n };*/\n\n const errorHolder = this.getErrorHolder();\n\n this.formInputAttributes[\"data-smetio-error-holder-class\"] = this.errorHolderClass;\n\n const theTextInput = `\n \n\n `;\n \n const inputWithParentDiv = this.getParentDiv(theTextInput);\n\n const iconAndInput = `\n \n ${ this.getIcon() }\n \n ${ inputWithParentDiv } \n \n `; \n \n const setUpObj = {\n mainClass: \"smetio-icon-left-form-input-right\",\n extraClass: this.extra_class,\n containerDivClass: \"smetio-theIconAndInputDiv\",\n attributesObj: this.iconAndInputDivAttributes,\n errorHolder: errorHolder\n }\n\n //const output = this.getForm(iconAndInput, setUpObj)+errorHolder;\n \n const output = this.getForm(iconAndInput, setUpObj);\n \n return output;\n\n};\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n","import {render} from \n \"./methods/render.js\";\n\nimport {createSelectOptions} from \n \"./methods/createSelectOptions.js\"; \n \nimport {getInputTypeSelect} from \n \"./methods/getInputTypeSelect.js\"; \n\nimport {getIcon} from \n \"./methods/getIcon.js\"; \n \nimport {getInputTypeText} from \n \"./methods/getInputTypeText.js\";\n\nimport {getErrorHolder} from \n \"./../../universal_methods/getErrorHolder.js\";\n\nimport {getParentDiv} from \n \"./../../universal_methods/getParentDiv.js\"; \n \nimport {getAttributes} from \n \"./../../universal_methods/getAttributes.js\";\n\nimport {reset} from \n \"./../../universal_methods/reset.js\";\n\nimport {getForm} from \n \"./../../universal_methods/getForm.js\"; \n\nimport {isEmpty} from \n \"./../../universal_methods/isEmpty.js\"; \n\n\n\nexport class IconLeftFormInputRight {\n\n constructor(){\n\n this.render = render;\n this.getForm = getForm;\n this.getIcon = getIcon;\n this.getInputTypeText = getInputTypeText;\n this.getInputTypeSelect = getInputTypeSelect;\n this.getErrorHolder = getErrorHolder;\n this.createSelectOptions = createSelectOptions;\n this.getParentDiv = getParentDiv;\n this.isEmpty = isEmpty;\n \n this.getAttributes = getAttributes;\n this.reset = reset;\n\n this.mainAttributes = {\n /****\n * APPLIES TO THE VERY FIRST DIV THAT HOLDS ALL OTHER DIVS\n * */\n class:[]\n\n };\n\n this.formInputAttributes = {\n /****\n * CAN BE FILLED WITH DIFFERENT ATTRIBUTES. THESE ATTRIBUTES AND THEIR VALUES WILL BE APPLIED DIRECTLY TO THE \n * TO THE INPUT OR SELECT OR TEXTAREA etc NOT THE PARENT DIV\n * */\n\n type: \"text\",\n class:[]\n\n };\n\n this.iconAndInputDivAttributes = {\n /****\n * CAN BE FILLED WITH DIFFERENT ATTRIBUTES. THESE ATTRIBUTES AND THEIR VALUES WILL \n * BE APPLIED DIRECTLY TO THE DIV THAT HOUSES THE ICON AND THE INPUT\n * \n * */\n\n }; \n\n this.iconAttributes = {\n /****\n * CAN BE FILLED WITH DIFFERENT ATTRIBUTES. THESE ATTRIBUTES AND THEIR VALUES WILL \n * BE APPLIED DIRECTLY TO THE ICON\n * \n * */\n\n class: [\"smetio-ui-icon-div\"]\n\n }; \n \n };\n\n\n};\n\n\n\n\n","export function getErrorHolder(){\n\n\tlet output = \"\";\n\n\tthis.errorHolderData = \"\";\n\n if (this.createErrorHolder){\n\n \t\t//this.errorHolderData = `data-smetio-error-holder-class=\"${this.errorHolderClass}\"`;\n\n output = `\n\n

\n `;\n\n };\n\n\n return output;\n\n};\n","import {checkIfItIsEmpty} from\n \"./../../functions/checks/checkIfItIsEmpty.js\";\n\nexport function getForm(\n\t\tcontent, \n\t\tsetUpObj={\n mainClass: \"\",\n extraClass: \"\"\n }){\n\n\tif(checkIfItIsEmpty(setUpObj.errorHolder)){\n\n\t\tsetUpObj.errorHolder = \"\";\n\t};\n \n const output = `\n\n
\n \n
\n \t
\n \t${content} \n
\n ${setUpObj.errorHolder} \n
\n \n
\n \n `; \n \n return output;\n\n\n};\n\n","\nexport function getParentDiv(content, attributesObj = {} ){\n\n const output = `\n\n
\n \n ${content}\n \n
\n \n `; \n \n return output;\n\n\n};\n\n","\n\n/**** \n\n THIS FUNCTION EMPTIES ALL THE VARIABLE OF THE CLASS OR RESETS THEM TO THEIR DEFAULTS\n\n****/\n\n\nexport function reset(){\n\n /**** \n \n LOOP THROUGH ALL THE VARIABLES IN THE CLASS \n \n AND EMPTY THE VARIABLES THAT ARE NOT FUNCTION\n \n ****/\n\n for(var name in this ){\n \n let valu = this[name];\n \n if(typeof valu === 'function'){\n \n continue;\n \n };\n \n this[name] = \"\";\n \n };\n\n\n};\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n","\nexport function render(){\n\n/*\n const output = `\n\n
\n \n
\n \n
\n \n \n \n
\n \n
\n \n \n \n
\n \n
\n \n
\n \n `; \n*/ \n return output;\n\n};\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n","import {checkIfItIsEmpty} from\n \"./../../../../functions/checks/checkIfItIsEmpty.js\"; \n\n\n/**** \n\n THIS FUNCTION RECEIVES AN OBJECT WHICH CONTAINS THE VALUES AND LABEL OF A SELECT ELEMENT\n \n IT LOOPS THROUGH THE OBJECT AND CREATES THE SELECT OPTIONS FROM IT\n \n EXAMPLE OF WHAT THE OBJECT SHOULD LOOK LIKE\n \n let optionObj = [\n \n { \n \n optgroup_label: \"Continents\", \n optgroup_options: [\n {value: \"africa\", label: \"Africa\"},\n {value: \"asia\", label: \"Asia\"},\n {value: \"australia\", label: \"Australia\"},\n ]\n \n \n },\n \n { \n \n optgroup_label: \"My preference\", \n optgroup_options: [\n {value: \"all\", label: \"All\"},\n {value: \"my_region\", label: \"My region\"},\n {value: \"most_popular\", label: \"Most popular\"},\n ]\n \n \n }\n \n ];\n\n\n****/\n\n\n\nexport function createSelectOptions(optionObject){\n\n let optgroup_label = \"\";\n \n let optgroup_options = \"\";\n \n let options = \"\";\n \n let option_value = \"\";\n \n let option_label = \"\";\n \n let full_options = \"\";\n\n for(let key in optionObject){\n \n /**** \n \n EMPTY THE OPTIONS ie PREVIOUS OPTIONS\n \n ****/\n \n options = \"\";\n\n optgroup_label = optionObject[key][\"optgroup_label\"];\n \n optgroup_options = optionObject[key][\"optgroup_options\"];\n \n for(let key in optgroup_options){\n \n option_value = optgroup_options[key][\"value\"];\n \n option_label = optgroup_options[key][\"label\"];\n \n options +=`\n \n \n `;\n \n };\n \n /**** \n \n ADD THE OPTIONS TO THE full_options IF NO OPTION GROUP LABEL IS PROVIDED\n \n ****/\n \n if( checkIfItIsEmpty(optgroup_label) ){\n \n full_options += options;\n \n continue;\n \n };\n\n /**** \n \n AN OPTION GROUP LABEL IS PROVIDED\n SO ADD THE OPTION GROUP TAG BEFORE ADDING THE OPTIONS TO THE full_options\n \n ****/\n \n full_options += `\n \n \n \n ${options}\n \n \n \n `;\n\n };\n\n\n return full_options;\n\n};\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n","\nexport function getInputTypeSelect(selectOptionsObj){\n\n let selectInput = this.createSelectOptions(selectOptionsObj);\n \n const errorHolder = this.getErrorHolder();\n\n selectInput = `\n \n `;\n\n const inputWithParentDiv = this.getParentDiv(selectInput);\n \n const iconAndInput = `\n \n ${ this.getIcon() }\n \n ${ inputWithParentDiv } \n \n `; \n\n \n const setUpObj = {\n mainClass: \"smetio-label-top-form-input-down\",\n extraClass: this.extra_class,\n containerDivClass: \"smetio-theIconAndInputDiv\",\n errorHolder: errorHolder\n }\n \n const output = this.getForm(iconAndInput, setUpObj)+errorHolder;\n \n return output;\n\n};\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n","\nexport function getIcon(){\n\n const output = `\n\n
\n \n \n \n
\n \n `;\n \n return output;\n\n};\n","import {checkIfItIsEmpty} from\n \"./../../../../functions/checks/checkIfItIsEmpty.js\"; \n \nexport function getInputTypeText(){\n\n if( checkIfItIsEmpty(this.type) ){\n \n this.input_type = \"text\";\n \n };\n\n const errorHolder = this.getErrorHolder();\n\n const theTextInput = `\n \n\n `;\n \n const inputWithParentDiv = this.getParentDiv(theTextInput);\n\n let inputExplannation = \"\";\n\n\n if( !checkIfItIsEmpty(this.inputExplanation) || !checkIfItIsEmpty(this.reasonForDataCollection) ){\n\n inputExplannation = this.getInputExplannation(); \n\n };\n \n const labelAndInput = `\n
\n \n ${inputExplannation} \n
\n ${ inputWithParentDiv } \n \n `; \n \n const setUpObj = {\n mainClass: \"smetio-label-top-form-input-down\",\n extraClass: this.extra_class,\n containerDivClass: \"smetio-theLabelAndInputDiv\",\n errorHolder: errorHolder\n }\n \n const output = this.getForm(labelAndInput, setUpObj);\n \n return output;\n\n};\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n","export function getInputExplannation(){\n\n\tconst output = `\n\n\t\t
\n \n

\n ${this.inputExplanation}\n

\n\n\t`;\n\n\treturn output;\n\n};","import {render} from \n \"./methods/render.js\";\n\nimport {createSelectOptions} from \n \"./methods/createSelectOptions.js\"; \n \nimport {getInputTypeSelect} from \n \"./methods/getInputTypeSelect.js\"; \n\nimport {getIcon} from \n \"./methods/getIcon.js\"; \n \nimport {getInputTypeText} from \n \"./methods/getInputTypeText.js\";\n\nimport {getErrorHolder} from \n \"./../../universal_methods/getErrorHolder.js\";\n\nimport {getParentDiv} from \n \"./../../universal_methods/getParentDiv.js\"; \n \nimport {getAttributes} from \n \"./../../universal_methods/getAttributes.js\";\n\nimport {reset} from \n \"./../../universal_methods/reset.js\";\n\nimport {getForm} from \n \"./../../universal_methods/getForm.js\"; \n\nimport {getInputExplannation} from \n \"./../../universal_methods/getInputExplannation.js\";\n\n\nexport class LabelTopFormInputDown {\n\n constructor(){\n\n this.render = render;\n this.getForm = getForm;\n this.getIcon = getIcon;\n this.getInputTypeText = getInputTypeText;\n this.getInputTypeSelect = getInputTypeSelect;\n this.getErrorHolder = getErrorHolder;\n this.createSelectOptions = createSelectOptions;\n this.getParentDiv = getParentDiv;\n this.getInputExplannation = getInputExplannation;\n \n this.label = \"No label given\";\n this.inputUniqId = \"\";\n this.getAttributes = getAttributes;\n this.reset = reset;\n \n };\n\n\n};\n\n\n\n\n","import {IconLeftFormInputRight} from\n \"./../../classes/iconsAndFormInputCombination/iconLeftFormInputRight/IconLeftFormInputRight.js\";\n\nimport {LabelTopFormInputDown} from\n \"./../../classes/labelAndFormInputCombination/labelTopFormInputDown/labelTopFormInputDown.js\";\n\n\nimport {checkIfItIsEmpty} from\n \"./../checks/checkIfItIsEmpty.js\"; \n\n\nexport function getInputTypeText(inputObj, formId){\n\t\n let output = \"\";\n\n let inputClass = \"\";\n\n if( !checkIfItIsEmpty(inputObj[\"icon\"]) && checkIfItIsEmpty(inputObj[\"label\"]) ){\n\n inputClass = new IconLeftFormInputRight();\n\n }else{\n\n inputClass = new LabelTopFormInputDown();\n\n };\n\n inputClass.formId = formId;\n inputClass.inputUniqId = inputObj[\"inputUniqId\"];\n inputClass.icon = inputObj[\"icon\"];\n inputClass.label = inputObj[\"label\"];\n inputClass.type = inputObj[\"type\"];\n inputClass.placeholder = inputObj[\"placeholder\"]; \n \n inputClass.inputExplanation = inputObj[\"inputExplanation\"]; \n inputClass.reasonForDataCollection = inputObj[\"reasonForDataCollection\"]; \n inputClass.howIsDataStored = inputObj[\"howIsDataStored\"]; \n inputClass.whoIsDataSharedWIth = inputObj[\"whoIsDataSharedWIth\"]; \n\n inputClass.value = inputObj[\"value\"]; \n inputClass.extra_class = inputObj[\"extra_class\"]+\" \"+inputObj[\"readableClass\"];\n\n inputClass.createErrorHolder = inputObj[\"createerrorHolder\"];\n inputClass.errorHolderClass = inputObj[\"errorHolderClass\"];\n output = inputClass.getInputTypeText();\n\n\treturn output;\n\n};"],"names":["render","output","checkIfItIsEmpty","createSelectOptions","optionObject","optgroup_label","optgroup_options","optgroup_attributes","options","option_value","option_label","full_options","option_attributes","key","isEmpty","concat","getAttributes","getInputTypeSelect","selectOptionsObj","selectInput","errorHolder","getErrorHolder","formInputAttributes","errorHolderClass","inputWithParentDiv","getParentDiv","iconAndInput","getIcon","setUpObj","mainClass","extraClass","extra_class","attributesObj","iconAndInputDivAttributes","containerDivClass","getForm","iconAttributes","icon","getInputTypeText","theTextInput","reset","IconLeftFormInputRight","_classCallCheck","mainAttributes","type","errorHolderData","createErrorHolder","content","arguments","length","undefined","parent_div_extra_class","parent_div_extra_attributes","name","valu","input_extra_class","input_type","inputExplannation","inputExplanation","reasonForDataCollection","getInputExplannation","labelAndInput","label","inputUniqId","formId","LabelTopFormInputDown","inputObj","inputClass","placeholder","howIsDataStored","whoIsDataSharedWIth","value"],"sourceRoot":""}